

POLICE TECHNICAL Receives GSA Contract Award, GS07F146DA

On August 3, 2016 POLICE TECHNICAL received its GSA Contract Award, Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Schedule 84 | Total Solutions for Law Enforcement and Security, Category 426-6 | Law Enforcement and Security Training, Award# GS07F146DA.

General Services Administration (GSA) oversees the procurement of goods and services to the United States Government, overseeing $66 billion annually.  Through the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) GSA provides a comprehensive framework for procurement for other government agencies.

Cell Phone Data and Mapping Class Coming to CA, SC

Cell Phone Data and Mapping,  a POLICE TECHNICAL course, is coming to South Carolina and California. Additional information is provided below.

Cell Phone Data and Mapping
The amount of data retrieved during a cell phone investigation can be staggering. From just a single phone, cell towers generate hundreds, or even thousands, of records.

The course covers methods to view, analyze and present cell phone data,

POLICE TECHNICAL Brings Cell Phone, PowerPoint Training to ATFE Academy

In July 2015, POLICE TECHNICAL brought condensed versions of the highly rated Cell Phone Data and Mapping, and PowerPoint for Public Safety courses to the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATFE) academy at their headquarters in Washington, D.C. The classes were viewed a success, with many students deploying what they learned shortly after the training.

Thomas Manson, CEO of POLICE TECHNICAL and presenter of the abridged PowerPoint for Public Safety course,