Capability Statement
Founded in 2005 POLICE TECHNICAL provides technical training to law enforcement and private companies throughout North America. We are proud to offer on-demand technical courses, taught by active law personnel and qualified trade professionals.
611430 Professional and Management Development Training
611420 Computer Training
611699 All other Miscellaneous Schools and Instruction
611519 Other Technical and Trade Schools
922120 Police Protection
CAGE Code: 5F3F5
GSA#: GS07F146DA
EIN/TIN 27-0476643
DUNS# 364549431
Multiple Award Schedule
Security Training611430ST Includes all security training related to law enforcement, security, emergency preparedness and/or first responders. Examples include instructor-led training, web-based training, pre-set courses, training development, consulting services, Continuance of Operations Planning (COOP) services, etc
Order-Level Materials (OLM)OLMs are supplies and/or services acquired in direct support of an individual task or delivery order placed against a Schedule contract or BPA. OLM pricing is not established at the Schedule contract or BPA level, but at the order level.
POLICE TECHNICAL has nationally recognized Core Competencies in providing the following services
Full Lifecycle Technical Training
Instructor Hiring and Scheduling, Course Development, Online Student Registrations, Tracking and Certifications, Course Materials, Instructor Development, Evaluations, After Action Review, and Financial Accountability
Certification Training in the following areas:
Analytics and Intelligence, Applied Applications (ie Microsoft), Cell Phone Investigation, Leadership and Technology, Open Source Investigations, PIO and Community Engagements.
Customized Training:
Fully customizable programs for Public (Law Enforcement and Intelligence at all levels) and Private (Fortune 500) clients.
Cell Phone Related:
Online Investigations Related:
Applications Related:
Analytics and Intelligence Related:
- Appalachia HIDTA
- Arizona HIDTA
- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)
- California DOJ
- California POST
- Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Georgia Bureau of Investigation
- Harris County Sheriff’s Office
- Houston HIDTA
- National Guard Counterdrug Program
- New Mexico HIDTA
- Northern California HIDTA
- Oregon-Idaho HIDTA
- Rocky Mountain HIDTA
- Rocky Mountain Information Network (RMIN)
- Washington/Baltimore HIDTA
- West Texas HIDTA
- Western States Information Network (WSIN)
Terms and Conditions