

Recent Evaluations

Course: Passenger Vehicle Drug Interdiction Instructor: John Sheehan Jr. Dates: July 11, 2024 - July 12, 2024

Great class, I really enjoyed the hands on portions. Possibly implementing additional hands on in order to utilize the skills that we learned.

Course: Social Media Investigations Instructor: Jody Thompson Dates: September 19, 2024 - September 20, 2024

It's a lot of material to cover in two 4-hour windows, which leads to greater breadth than depth. This makes it feel like an overview of things to be aware of and train yourself on later rather than a how-to training. A longer version of the course would probably solve for this.

Course: Social Media Investigations Instructor: Jody Thompson Dates: September 19, 2024 - September 20, 2024

Unfortunately, this class was more basic that I had anticipated. I was hoping for more in depth training on the topics. I Would have liked to see more specific examples on how to build and successfully execute a sock puppet account or even more examples on real life implementation during a case. I think if it was advertised as a Basic Social Media course for those who are brand new analysts or sworn personnel who have never worked a social media heavy case, then this would be a good course. I would have liked for it to be more of a practical/hands-on course than a theory based course.

Course: Social Media Investigations Instructor: Jody Thompson Dates: September 19, 2024 - September 20, 2024

Some case studies would be beneficial. What you had to start with and how you used info to make your case. Thank you

Course: Social Media Investigations Instructor: Jody Thompson Dates: September 19, 2024 - September 20, 2024

Instructor did a great job teaching the subject matter with the experience to go along with it.

Customer Testimonials