

Recent Evaluations

Course: Social Media Methods Instructor: Jim Thorburn Dates: July 9, 2024 - July 10, 2024

I was expecting to learn a little bit more on how to manage a social media account vs. why it is good to have social media accounts. I felt like it would've been a good class to convince agencies to have a social media accounts but it didn't get too in depth about how to properly run it. I would suggest to maybe have a test social media account next time and show how a post would be made using a fake scenario/incident live and the thought process behind it, how to caption it etc... instead of just looking at past post screen shots. I also felt like we spent a lot of time talking about the instructors personal experiences and things that happened where he worked specifically vs speaking about the kind of things we would most likely post in our specific agencies. I do have to say that the instructor made it fun and kept the students engaged.

Course: Social Media Methods Instructor: Jim Thorburn Dates: July 9, 2024 - July 10, 2024

Jim had very good ideas on how to better our social media reach and interaction. He added humor and enthusiasm to the class, making it very easy to listen. I would highly recommend this class to any agency who wants to start a new social media platform or better their current platform.

Course: Excel: Advanced Topics Instructor: Nicole McKendree Dates: June 3, 2024 - June 4, 2024

Ms. McKendree led the class with a lot of enthusiasm and was extremely interactive with the group. I appreciate her rescheduling the course later on because the initial 2nd day date was really hard to follow. The majority of the course material was more of a refresher for me, but I learned handful of things from the course specifically conditional formatting, the various shortcuts/customizing the ribbon, and importing various files into Excel. I am excited to apply the knowledge learned to my current job. I would've loved to have done more threshold and forecast analysis practices. I feel like we've rushed through that a little bit. Overall, it was an enjoyable and helpful course. Thank you!

Course: Open Source Investigations Instructor: April Lucia Dates: June 27, 2024 - June 28, 2024

The course was very informative and pertinent to my current duties. The information presented was also very up to date to the social media that is being used by most individuals.

Course: Open Source Investigations Instructor: April Lucia Dates: June 27, 2024 - June 28, 2024

None at this time

Customer Testimonials